The ImmersionRC iTelemetry dongle connects between your A/V receiver's output, via a standard 3.5mm 4-pole jack, and your smart-phone or tablet's headphone/mic input. A unique real-time telemetry decoder application, freely downloadable from either the ImmersionRC website, or the Apple AppStore, may be loaded onto your smart device.
The current position of your model is shown as a trail of 'breadcrumbs' over a map, which can show either a road-map, satellite image, or hybrid of the two.
A recovery aid for lost models shows the model's last known position, along with the position of the smart-phone/tablet. Connect the dots to find the model, even in long vegetation (corn fields for example). Very useful when combined with recent FatShark goggles, with built in DVRs. Replay the video recorded during a flight through the telemetry dongle to locate a downed model.
Real-time updates of telemetry data, including positional status (distance, altitude, direction, etc.), EzUHF uplink status (RSSI, Link Quality), and battery status (current, voltage, mAh consumed). Useful for long range flight to estimate link margins, battery duration. etc.
A Headphone output enables audio alerts from your smart device to be heard by the pilot, or simply to listen to loud techno-music while racing down a mountain valley at a few inches above the ground.
An Adjustable 'thumbwheel' gain control, recessed to avoid accidental rotation, may be used to adapt the audio levels to different devices.